The room was filling up. You could hear the chatter of old friends, introductions of new ones to come, laughter in the corners, and then it was time. The women took their seats to begin the first summer of Women’s Bible Study at Rio Vista Community Center. It was my first time and I was so excited. You see, I saw the open doors every Wednesday morning but I had to work. Now I could join what I expected would be one of the highlights of my summer…and I was not disappointed. Yes, I did meet some amazing women, heard wonderful teachings, and won almost every week a raffle gift! But what made a difference in my heart were the speakers. They were various women who shared their ministry within the community and how WE might be able to serve alongside them. Each woman that spoke had a different story..a story that was changed because of Jesus. With that change God opened miraculous opportunities to show the lost, the lonely, the outcast, how much He loved them and could offer them a life of true Joy and purpose. It was one of those speakers, Sandy, who shared about the homeless at “ Andres House”. I knew that that one was the one I wanted to serve. But, there were many others that also needed support. Because of this special women’s bible study, these organizations will be helped and supported. Personally, I want to thank these three women in this picture ( Chris, Cindi, and Jill) who showed such warmth, love, and support for me AND every other woman who came through those doors. Not everyone who came could serve but rather needed to be served. And so they were. My prayer is that this women’s bible study will continue to be that beacon of HOPE, opportunity, support, and the sharing of Jesus love for all that come through their doors every Wednesday morning. It did for me…thank you and thank you Jesus. I can’t wait to see what God does for the rest of the year!!


