February is more than the month of LOVE In Arizona. It’s the time to plant our gardens. Some could argue that it is not worth the efforts because, come June or maybe even earlier, the extreme heat will kill most of everything that was planted. But we still do because, well, it’s the time to see beauty at its best. And so, for the fourth time, I planted my mammoth sun flowers. The first time I planted them I didn’t have the chicken wire around it and the rabbits ate them. The second time we ( meaning Kevin!) put the chicken wire up but the birds got them from the top AND the rabbits pushed through the chicken wire and ate what was left. The third time we put bricks around the base and replanted them again. Day after day I watered them and watched. Nothing. The rains came and nothing. The cold winds came and nothing. Why? It had water, good soil, and was now protected. The missing element was the sun. The third time I planted them it was the wrong time of season. In order to grow, especially sun flowers, they NEED the sun. Are you in a difficult season of your life? Are you finding that nothing is going right? Are you questioning that God really knows what He is doing? Much Afraid too had questioned her path when she was in such heavy mist she could no longer see or feel the sun. Did the Chief Shepard have her on the wrong path? We will all question at times if we are moving in the right direction. But the real question is WHO are we following? Follow the good Shepard, Jesus, and you will find yourself on the path that leads to your true destiny of JOY, PEACE, and LOVE. Like my sun flowers, they too found the sun, and have pushed through the dirt and are now thriving. May you also push through your times of doubt and look to Jesus for your strength and direction…he will ALWAYS be found faithful….