I had been watering both of the trees throughout our “winter” months though they looked dead. This is going to be the second spring for the trees that we’re not meant to be. As written before, two years ago, these trees were brought from birds dropping off seeds. They survived the 116 degree summer, the dead of fall, the rain drenched winter ( at least a few times! ) and, with the recent rain of the coming spring, I saw green. There were times when I wondered if my trees would come back and start to grow again because the outside appearance told me differently. But, that’s the beauty of spring. Everything that looks dead comes back to life. It is a reminder to me that, when life looks the darkest, there is always new life to come…the hope of Spring….the hope of Jesus. Jesus was born in the winter when things looked the darkest, but He was brought back to life, having broken the chains of death, in Spring..the season of new beginnings. With Jesus we do have Hope…even when things look impossible. Some of you need a new beginning…a new Spring. As Proverbs 23:18 writes “ There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off”. Many of you have asked for prayers throughout this week as you face a difficult future. Be encouraged this week as you also see the new, green leaves, burst forth out of its winter coat, to stretch towards the Son, for which we gain our strength and HOPE.