Surprise Gift


They say “nothing good can come from Nazareth” when they talked about the town Jesus was from. Well, we had the same thought when we went down to Chandler Az. After getting up very early to go to work all morning Kev and I headed down to Chandler. Why you might ask? Because our very good friends, Rick & Darlene, were there just for lunch. They were in Az. at a resort to celebrate their 50th anniversary. On the ride down I was reminiscing about these special friends. We’ve known them for over 25 years. We first met them when we rode our bikes to church and went to their Sunday school class. They were there when we adopted Jake and made a commitment to always pray for him…and they always have. Kev was baptized in their pool. Darlene invited me into her circle of women friends..women who are godly, wise, but more importantly..FUN! We have shared life with them over these 25 years. And this lunch was no exception. Darlene greeted us, and like always, wanted to introduce us to some special friends. WOW!! and WOW!! Meet Larry & Carol. We joked about meeting in Chandler and asked the the question “ Why Chandler?” They laughed and said “ God told them to” but they were moving back to Temecula Ca. again. The next question came from Larry.. “Are you a teacher?” I said no but he wasn’t asking about my occupation.. He then asked if I was a writer..if writing a blog is a little bit like a writer then yes. Again, he wasn’t really asking about my blogs. For those who believe in prophetic words that are spoken over you then that is who Larry is. Mind you, I had not met him nor had we had any discussion other than driving all the way down to Chandler for lunch. There was more that was said but eventually the conversation shifted. Just before we were ready to leave he looked at Kevin and said “ And for you…Kev quietly accepted his prophetic words: WOW & WOW!! and then it was about Jake. We were only going down to have lunch with our favorite friends..but, just like God, He had a message, a very special message, for our family. As we prayed Larrys wife Carol began to weep. God had given her a vision of me. When she shared it I began to weep. Ive had a very difficult week and to see God so intently surround me with His light of love was..well..overwhelmingly comforting. Kev & I got in the car and drove off, filled with gratitude for Him & our friends, Rick & Darlene. So, if someone you know asks you to lunch to meet some of their friends, say never know what God has in mind…


Into the Storm on the 4th of July
