Each piece of fabric, each thread sown, each placement, was designed with a vision of its purpose..made with LOVE…from the master quilter. She’s my neighbor, Argentina, who made this beautiful quilt out of her love for me. The colors were picked with me in mind; blues for the ocean, yellow for the sun and its JOY, greens for the outdoors, daisies for the smile they bring me, the reds for the depth of love I have received and given to others. The master quilter worked diligently day after day until she was able to say “ It is finished”. And when it was she carefully put it in a special box to give to me on Christmas. With camera in hand she captured the complete and utter JOY on my face when I received this gift. After the holidays were behind me I found a place for it…my office of peace so that each day I would be reminded how much I am loved. This quilt is also a daily reminder of THE Master Quilter. In the book of Psalms David writes “For it was YOU who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise YOU because I have been fearfully and wonderfully made”. Like my friend, God had in mind exactly what I would look like, be like, and He had JOY in that person to come. Are you questioning “why was I created? Why am I in this situation? What good could really come from this New Year?” As the Scriptures share, we were created in HIS image, for a purpose, motivated by Love. I have recently spoken to many of you who are dealing with loneliness, grief, uncertainty, regret. Your 2024 has not started out well but rather with more pain. But do not be discouraged; not all the pieces of your life have been put in place. Some pieces will be removed, new ones added, and some moved…for the final design is not finished until the Master Quilter says “it is finished”. So…keep moving forward with Jesus in the front of you. Hang on to Him with both arms and don’t let go….whatever you do don’t let go. The Master Quilter, Jesus, isn’t finished with you yet and there is more to look forward to. Thank you Argentina for reminding me that I am so loved. Oh, did I tell you our new addition? Until next week….


