Five percent. Within the next 2-3 years. Five percent of NOT having what is called the “widow-maker” heart attack. This heart attack has the highest mortality rate than any other. Silence. The doctor looked down on the ground letting the diagnosis sink in. It was already too late to change the course. The plaque was in my LAD( left anterior descending artery), the most dangerous of all the places you could have plaque . But I thought all my numbers were great? And they are…but not to change what is already there. What I do now just helps it not be at a 100%. Again, silence. You never know how you will react when your given a bad diagnosis until it happens. My first response? Preparation for Kev & Jake so that they will be ok financially and in all other ways. I want to see Jake find and marry his soulmate, maybe even see his first child born ( I want to see those curly locks in his little girls hair ), to be able to retire and go on one great trip to Ireland with the love of my life…to finish my book…yes all these things and more went thru my mind while staring at the numbers on this piece of paper . Now, we all know God is in charge of the final decision so this may never happen. I will be doing more invasive tests next February . But, in the end, it was about making this time count, REALLY count, for Jesus. And so this picture. It had been on both Kev and my heart to start a home group for new believers or those Christians who wanted to deepen their relationship with make a real difference in His kingdom. Meet Ray, associate pastor at CCV and Jamie who, she and her husband Greg, have been leading the new program called “ROOTED”. It is a 10 week study designed to help walk Christians thru their new faith as well as help Christians who want to go deeper and teach others about Jesus. It has been a blessing to know this possible fate of mine because I am more focused on my true purpose. In a few weeks we will be starting our first group so I could use your prayers for this special time. For those who have received your own devastating news, weather health, financial, family, losses, I will be praying for comfort ad maybe even clarity of your own purpose…your JOY..and I hope Jesus will be a part of it.