They watched the sun go down at their favorite beach. The lights come on the board walk as darkness sets in. The colors of orange and yellow reflect off the waves as the water ripples towards the beach. The couple reflect on the day, thankful for all that was given to them. Tomorrow will be another day…or will it? This week has found me on my knees, once again, for not just for one friend who is in the hospital with a slim chance of surviving, but another woman, with the same illness , in another state. A friend from work is a walking miracle to still be alive after his harrowing surgery. And a friend to so many of us, Jimmy Fu, just recently passed away after valiantly fighting cancer. He was an amazing photographer because he could capture the purpose and emotions of a picture..like this one. No man is promised another day…so we find purpose for the day given to us. For some that could be work, family, community outreaches, healing sick people, comforting those who have lost a loved one, saving the lives of animals ( maybe even cats!), or preaching to the lost. The list could go on and on but the point is to not waste it. Each day is the most valuable gift God has given to each of us. What are you doing with your day? There are many reasons we could be negative and complain about all that is wrong in the world..but, you are still here, you can still make a difference in the life of someone else. God has not only given us a purpose but also JOY..joy in His creation, like this sunset at the beach. I for one want everyday to reflect His love, beauty, purpose..I know Jimmy Fu did. How about you? Start today, even before Thanksgiving, thanking God our Father for all that He has given you. The sun will always go down but it’s what we did in the LIGHT that reflects a heart of gratitude.