You know her. You’ve seen pictures when she turned 60 wearing a tiara. The second picture was when she went into the hospital for the first time with Covid. As you remember, she had died three times over the weekend and I got the call she wouldn’t make it. The third picture , months later, she had one more surgery and she would be going home. This last picture is her home now with her family for her 61st birthday wearing her new tiara. I had sent her the Christmas cookies and card that I made for her before she went into the hospital. I believed God would heal her so I saved them. And He did. But the journey had so many valleys that, at one point, Kathleen gave up. She was told she was finally going to be able to go home. But, at the last minute, the doors closed and everything stopped. Her JOY was replaced with anger, frustration, and a loss of hope. Have you ever felt that way? Have people told you “ everything is going to be ok” or, “ God has a plan for your life..just believe”? But your life isn’t ok and the plan you thought God had for you looks very different now. The biblical character Job experienced similar scenarios. He couldn't understand why he was going through so much suffering. In the end, God made Himself known to Job…and to Kathleen…He answered their prayers ten fold. But, I struggle with the question of “ who gets healing while others don’t’"? Why are some lives so difficult and others are not?” It was at the end of the book of Job that I found my answer. He is God and we are not. It’s that simple. He didn’t promise us healing, an easy life, or a happily ever after. Our journeys are uniquely designed by Him and for Him. His promise to us is that He will never leave us nor forsake us…He loves us and, at the end of our journey, we will be home…really home…with Him. Today we rejoice with Kathleen for her answered prayers and will continue to pray for healing. My prayers will also be with those in the midst of questioning their own journeys..may you find God through the love of His Son Jesus..


