Peter was tired. He had fished all night with no fish caught. He was out of resources, out of answers, out of miracles. But as the sun came up he saw Him on the beach. Jesus. Andrew had told him about this man they believed was the Messiah. Peter wasn’t interested in this possible Savior. He was in desperate need to catch fish. Fish was his answer to pay his debts, his families needs, his pride as a man who was supposed to provide for his family. As he came to shore Jesus asked him to go back out and throw his net on the side of his boat. Peter looked up, exhausted and said “Are you kidding? We’ve been fishing all night and caught NOTHING! The water here is ankle deep and its morning!” But he didn’t say that, although I’m sure he was thinking that. Instead, he said “ Because you asked I will”. And so the miracle. Jesus multiplied his nothingness and not only met all of Peters needs but he gave him something even greater..Himself…the Savior the Jews had been waiting for for hundreds of years. And so this miracle happened at out neighborhood Christmas party. We received a few bags..16 to be exact. This morning I prayed that God would multiply them..and so He did. We actually received 40 bags worth of items!!!! What we didn't know was in some of the bags their was enough for four people. One woman from Montana brought one box full of beautiful items that made over 10 bags! And after everyone had left my friend Kathy came by with more bags!!! But that wasn’t the end of the story. What I love about Jesus, as found in this story of Peter, is He first meets people where their real need is BEFORE He shares who He is. Our party was also an extension of Jesus’ hand of love, hope, and JOY. For a moment in time people who came with heavy burdens, worries, and sadness, were lifted up…they laughed with their old friends and yet made new ones, ate Christmas cookies, drank hot cocoa, sat near a warm fire, watched an inspiring movie…a place to carry each others burdens with the help of our Savior Jesus. Are you feeling alone? Are you carrying a heavy load and don’t know how to find your way out? Like Peter, look to Jesus and He will bring you through because He loves you. May you find JOY with others and hope with the Savior this week.