Kev in his red Corvette and me in my blue Thunderbird, we envisioned cruising down highway 101 with the ocean on one side and the wind in our hair. And just like that I was brought back to my favorite car in high school named Tuna ( aka Tunaboat). It was a used baby blue Grand Prix with an itty bitty racers steering wheel. Anyone who went to Patrick Henry High School in 76 knew of Tuna. It could fit 10 people without seatbelts, go faster than a mustang, and was cooler than all the fancy cars at school. But the most memorable part about Tuna was my trip with my besties; Kath, Mares, and Kimmer, the summer of 76 after high school graduation. For two weeks we went up the 101 coast, up to Santa Cruz, and ended in the warm oceans of San Diego. With each of us working at various food places, we packed the food in our coolers and off we went. We played our music of “ Yes, The Beach Boys, Elton John, The Doobie Brothers, and even Moody Blues” to name just a few. We cooked hot dogs in the middle of a field ( we think because it was dark ) woke up to the sound of cows in SLO (San Luis Obispo), woke up another time on the beaches of Santa Cruz by the cops, and, did I mention the wake up call from a bear in Sequoia?…all while traveling in the safest car named Tuna. Of course there were many other stories I could share but would I? Not! But I can say it was a trip that changed all of us. We each went our separate ways and lived our lives…until several years ago. We eventually came back together and go on yearly weekend trips to various places….especially coming back to where it all started…the beaches of San Diego. As I got out of the baby blue Thunderbird, I not only remembered the adventures in Tuna…but also the hand of God in it all. Some of you are still just “cruising” in life, trying to find the meaning of it all. Maybe it’s time…time to ask Jesus if He’s the one you’ve been looking for. I guarantee He will answer you…as the Bible says in Rev. 3:20 “ Behold, I stand at the door and continually knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him ( restore him) and he with Me”. Cruising was so fun with my besties but finding Jesus at the end was the best adventure I could have wanted in life. How about you? Are you ready? Jesus is there, ready to open the door…all you need to do is knock.


