Awe Valentine’s Day. A day filled with chocolates, candy, flowers, romantic gifts and the oh so heart felt Hallmark cards. It’s called the day of Love. It’s an annual date stamped to remind everyone that, for this one day, you are to show love to those who have your heart. This year I went all out to the dollar store and bought “ thoughtful or funny “ gifts to give one per day until the “Big Day”. I even made little heart shaped cards out of construction paper telling of my love to my sweetheart. After almost 30 years I should have something to say right? My big gift was a heart shaped chocolate whiskey cake with Irish cream mousse frosting. What better way to say “ I love you” . But is that really Love? I would challenge you and Hallmark and say “No”. As shared in the Bible, the definition of Love, as written in Corinthians 13, is a verb…an action shown in so many ways. It is an act of service when a neighbor needs their lawn cut; A card of encouragement to a friend who just finished their last chemo treatment; a hug of compassion when an elderly woman loses her husband of 50 years; forgiving your spouse when they hurt you deeply; serving food to the homeless with a smile; adopting a dog nobody wanted…Jesus showed us what real love is. He didn’t just say that “ God loves you”; he showed it through the healing of the blind, the lame, the leopard, the brokenhearted. He forgave those who persecuted him, spit on him, and gave him a thorn of crowns. He took up the wooden cross and walked the path of death…knowing that it was really the path to Love. It was an act that would give us eternity with the Father. Valentine’s Day may be over but showing love to others is something we can all do everyday in both the small gestures and the big ones. It goes out to not only those we love but also to those who need it the most. Jesus showed us the path to Love. May you find it too and experience the JOY of Jesus in your life and what it means to give to others. Thank you to my Valentine who gives me acts of service daily and let’s me know I am loved! Happy Valentine’s Day!