At 10:00 pm I got an email alert. The lab results were in. Had I done enough? In two months I had lost 12 lbs, stopped eating red meat and sugar ( try doing that as a baker!), increased my cardio, and started taking my low dosage of statins. If this hasn’t worked the next steps will be drastic and have significant side effects. I opened the results tab. My cholesterol had dropped from 323 to 169! All the other results had been cut in half. I got down on my knees and thanked God. My heart was now in a better place, to heal, to get healthy, to have a better chance of a long life. But this week I found that a better cholesterol count doesn’t mean a better life. I have spent more time praying, sending flowers, cards, and just crying for the loss of people who were dearly loved. A broken heart is not easily repaired. Even if the loss took their loved ones out of pain and into the arms of Jesus, those left have a hole in their hearts. Thus, the picture. It’s a story of two penguins who lost their significant other. The photographer, Tobias Bauumgaertner, took these amazing images.. They would meet every night to look at the lights and comfort one another over the loss of their forever love. There have been moments when I would be in a store, walking down the aisle, and suddenly start to cry. My tears were of fear of losing Kev, Jake, or both. But this is a true reality for others. Some are sick, really sick, whereas some people are just weary of heart. Whatever the condition of your heart might be right now I know who can heal it. Jesus. Like these two penguins, Jesus is right alongside you, in the middle of your grief, with His arm around you, to comfort your broken heart. These are not shallow words. Reach out now if you don’t know if this is really true and He will be found faithful.