Awe , the joy of fall…well, at least in my kitchen fall is here. The smells of apples and cinnamon bubbling ; the aroma of the apple cakes coming out of the oven; baking the cinnamon, nutmeg, oats, and butter crumble; whipping the caramel buttercream frosting with all it’s yummy gooeyness My first bake of the year for fall is a three tier apple crumb cake. The layers are filled with the frosting, apple pieces and the crumble. Of course it doesn’t look anything like the recipe but that’s what makes it so much fun to bake. Sundays are my days to do nothing but what brings me JOY. Now, I will admit, this cake took a LOT longer than I would have liked, but in the end, I loved it. I get asked the same question I would ask my husband about mountain climbing “ why?” And he would answer, “ because it’s there and it’s fulfilling to challenge yourself each time to go just a little bit further”. That’s how I feel about baking. How about you? What do you like to do that brings you JOY? And, more importantly, when was the last time you did it? The season is changing from the desert winds to vivid colors and fall smells that can only bring smiles to everyone. And, like any new season of life, it’s a chance to move in a different direction…a direction that brings JOY…for some that will be outdoor adventures, time with grandkids, gardening, painting, traveling, visiting loved ones, or BAKING! Sometimes, the craziness of this world can bring such sadness and even despair. But, the beautiful thing about God is that he has also given us a choice to see and experience his creation in so many different ways. If there is one thing I have learned this year is to make everyday count for eternity…and that also includes getting back to the things that bring Joy to your heart. Fall is here…what will YOU do with this new season? I pray that it will be a time to experience maybe a new adventure?….I know I’m excited!!! What should I bake next???


