So, what did you do this Sunday? Well, we finished boxing up the rest of our living room ( oh, did I mention we are moving next weekend? ), went to the hospital, ( yes, I did say the hospital ), and looked for new living room furniture to accommodate more people for our growing bible study. Yes, it’s been an exciting day to say the least. Let’s start with the moving to our first home in AZ. Our plan was to look for a home in AZ in three years. One month ago God started putting it on my heart that we needed to buy a home now. I ignored it for a week but God kept talking to me. Finally, I reluctantly reached out to three realtors. Each of them said the exact same thing-if your going to buy you have a small window of opportunity with the interest rates to go up. But, as everyone knows, it’s a sellers market with very limited inventory, especially at our price range. I had envisioned our “ last home “ to have a pool and an entertainment like backyard, large walk in pantry for all my baking products, no rocks, and in a family based neighborhood. But, like God, He had other ideas. He picked Sun City with lots of rocks, NO pantry or island, and more rocks in the backyard and no pool. But it was perfect. Our deal breakers was a big living room, upgraded kitchen, lots of storage, and two large bedrooms. And that’s exactly what we got; three bedrooms, two baths, large living room, entirely new kitchen, and very large bedrooms! It’s in a safe, quiet neighborhood and only a few miles from our other home. Instead of having one pool, we now have four recreation centers where we automatically become members. They have all kinds of activities with wonderful pools, and classes ( Kev and I are going to take country western dancing, along with Jake and his friend). The best part? It was in our price range! The transaction was the smoothest we have ever had in buying a home. Thus, the new home. About the hospital visit?…I had been having pain in my heart for about four days but ignored it because it was random…until today. The pain had come back but was now in my back. I waited until I finished grocery shopping and Kevin had finished doing touch ups around the house. I casually asked if he had finished everything and when the answer was “ yes” I suggested we go to the emergency room just to “check out everything”. Kev picked a good hospital, and, within an hour, all the tests were done and I was all good. However, I will be following up with my cardiologist tomorrow. And your probably asking the same question I did. Then what was it since I’ve never had pain before? There was a lot of guessing with no real answers…except that I didn’t have or was in eminent danger of having a heart attack soon. With this clearance we set out to do what we had already planned to do..look for living room furniture. We found it, but, due to the cost, we wanted to wait until everything is settled before we make that big of a purchase. So, here I am writing this blog to say “ this has been a miracle Sunday”. A new home on the horizon, no heart attack, and living room furniture pending to prepare for more people to come for our bible study. Thank you to those few people I asked prayer for today, this week, and from those who have been praying continuously for us for many years. For those of you who are wondering if God will show You a miracle Sunday, be it for a dream, or health, or finances, or just Himself, I can say unequivocally say He will. I pray you will reach out to Jesus now, rather than later, and let Him show that His promises are true everyday, especially on miracle Sunday.