To Be Brave
The numbers had tripled..I was now at a very high risk for a heart attack or stroke. It’s time to meet with a cardiologist. Something needed to change, radically change. I knew it was coming but I was afraid. I prayed and prayed and the Lord told me what to do. With any change their will be consequences..some for the good and some for the bad, or what I would like to say, challenges. The call was made and the changes began. I was brave for the first time in a very long time. Before the phone call I was going to bed asking the Lord to not wake me up..I thought Kev & Jake would be ok now. Am I alone in this thinking? Have you ever felt trapped, hopeless, with no way out that you would choose? I heard my voice for the first time. Being a people pleaser has its Joys but also its sorrows. And so this new website was created by Jake. I am no longer “ Terris Tasty Cupcakes”; I am just me navigating thru life just like everyone else. But I have Jesus with me; I’m not alone. Changes are not easy, especially at 63..but necessary if you want to have a positive future. So, I’m learning how to write my blogs on a new website, how to communicate my feelings, being ok if not everyone likes me. I’m rediscovering who I am and hope to share this journey with you.