It was time. Time for a change. The sunflowers had died months ago but it had been too hot, then too cold, then…well, I didn’t have the energy to start over. But, I finally began the long and arduious work of taking down the chicken wire, ripping out the watering system, pulling up ALL the weeds from their roots, putting all the bricks back that were used to protect the sunflowers. Hour after hour I worked until it was finished. Now what? As 2025 approaches you may be asking that same question. Do I look for a new job or better yet a new career? Is it time to retire? Do I get married or end the relationship? Do we move? Or, for some, your new year will not include your loved one. And for all of us, 2025 will look different for our country. Kev came home and looked at the cleaned up planter bed and asked the obvious question, “ Now what?”. For some of us it’s time to rip out the roots of things that were not moving us in the direction we knew was good for us and instead, bring in the new “planter bed” that will bring us to the life and purpose we were meant for. Soon I will be getting a high bed for my flowers because I learned that the old method did not bring me the JOY I had hoped for. That’s the gift God give us every new year…a chance to transition from one direction to another because of what we learned from the past. God also shared this as he talks about changing from the “old” creation to a “new” creation. But if you don’t know by now, Jesus is the only way for a long lasting and truly fulfilled life. Christian, I encourage you in 2025 to make Jesus your true North….and for those who still haven’t made that decision I would ask the obvious question “why?” But for all of us I pray that 2025 will be the transition of true JOY.


