Awe spring has sprung here at the Kings backyard. With new flowers, herbs, climbing roses, and lots of mammoth sunflowers springing up towards the sun, it is a burst of rainbow colors. The fragrance coming through my window into my office makes me soooo happy. And with new growth we also see another phenomenon. Our trees! Do you remember my trees? One was just a white stick. The other was just two brown twigs. They are now bursting through the holes of the chicken wire, so much that we had to EXPAND it twice fold!! But, this growth didn’t happen overnight. It went through the hottest summer, the torrential rains, the cold nights, the fierce winds, the dark and foggy days. Sometimes I wasn't sure if they were going to make it. Ever felt like that? Have you gone, or going through, some difficult times where you wonder if you are going to make it? People talk about HOPE but can they do that when they are in the midst of the storm? The disciples experienced this when they too were in the middle of a storm. Although Jesus was in the boat, he was asleep. Really? They were crying out for help and he was asleep. When Jesus awoke he calmed the seas and all was quiet, secure, safe. And then he asked his disciples “ Where is your faith?” Without faith there is no HOPE. But your faith has to be in the one who CAN calm the seas. Jesus. The more you trust Jesus in all circumstances, the deeper your roots… and with deeper roots you are able to persevere any difficult circumstances that comes your way. Like all storms, they eventually leave and the sun comes out again. Spring. With its gentle winds, warm days, and cool nights, it is now time for growth. If you are in a season of storms, hold fast to Jesus. In due time he will calm the seas and bring you to the other side. Your roots will be strong and you will grow to great heights…your HOPES will be fulfilled. Hebrews 10:23 says “ Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful”. Like our lives, there are seasons…times for growth, for pruning, for waiting…But, in the end, the life we were meant to live, the person we were meant to be, will burst forth in beauty and sweet aroma.…just like my new garden. Don’t give up HOPE, for the expansion is just around the corner…I can see the rainbow now….