And then its was over. It just seemed like yesterday he was in first grade at Rancho Christian School and now graduating from college at GCU. As we waited for the graduation ceremony to start I remembered. Twenty two years ago we made a promise to Jakes birth mom. We promised to provided him with a Christian education for as long as we could afford it..a Christian foundation both in the home and in school…in preparation for the “real world”. And we did. I looked over at Kevin and said “ we kept our promise”. He knew what I meant. Jakes name was called to come up to the stage and get his diploma in graphic design and marketing. The smile on his face was priceless. He made it. As he shared many times in the last few days “ he didn’t believe he would finish and he did!”. It worked very, very hard to do it. While taking pictures after the ceremony one of his professors introduced herself to us ( we later found out she was head of the graphic design dept). She wanted to let us know we had raised a true man of character and integrity and we showed be proud. She also wanted us to know he had made such wonderful friends. As every parent knows, getting a diploma is not the only thing that will help them in their future. It is their character that will truly bring them both success and true happiness. We saw Jake grow throughout his four years at GCU, especially his last year. He excelled in his field ( he won a gold medallion for the highest achievement in graphic design), learned to keep his room clean, became pro active in his assignments and tasks, and had the most fun he’s had with all his new friends, ( except times with Brooke!), ministry, and outreaches to his community…he grew up. But, we all know this was accomplished with an entire village; his family ( thank you Grandpa & sissy! ), teachers from Rancho Christian School, his many friends, Shelly his college planner…but most importantly, Jesus. As Jake and I were having our morning after chat, he shared some things that told me Jesus was really in his life…and that brought tears to my eyes. His “real” life is now starting. It kinda reminds me when he started to learn how to drive…and I can only say “ Jesus take the wheel!!” Oh, He already has, has already had it, and will continue to in this new adventure Jake is about to go on ( like Peru!) So, with our promise kept, we send you out Jake, knowing that you are a man we are proud of, both with your accomplishments and character. Have fun and remember we will always be here for you…Love, mom and dad.