It was early in the morning when we went up to a place called Pinnacle Peak. It wasn’t a long hike but it was a steep one filled with large boulders, narrow paths, and snakes!! As we started on the path it became clear it was going to be a challenge. Step by step, boulder by boulder, we trudged on. Halfway up my legs became rubber. I was hot and getting exhausted. But just like Kev, he kept me going. After what seemed like forever, we finally made it to the top. But the jubilation was short lived because now we had to climb over all the boulders to get down. It was grueling. My legs were burning, my heart rate was going so fast and the sun was beating down on us..sooo hot. I stopped. I couldn’t do it anymore. It was too hard, too exhausting, too impossible. Have you ever been there? Have you been at a place where going forward meant more pain, sorrow, exhaustion, hopelessness? It could be your marriage, a relationship, your job, a loss of a loved one, mental health, or a spiritual disconnect? You don’t see a way out, a way up, a way down, a happily ever after ending. King David also felt that way and wrote about it in the book of Psalms. He had been anointed to be king but shortly after that he found himself fighting for his life against King Saul. He lived on the run, in caves, separated from his loved ones, his home, his place of peace. Like David, we could also ask the question why? The answer? We haven’t seen the end of the picture, our life. All our experiences fits into another part of the puzzle so that, at the end, we are made complete, the person He had promised we would be. As I looked down the mountain I knew that going forward was my only option. I prayed for help..and then I took one step at a time, leaning on God for each painful step. As David wrote in Psalms 43:5 “ Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my HOPE in God! I will PRAISE him again-my Savior and my God”. Never give up! Your breakthrough may be right around the corner. Trust in God…ask for help from others…and watch how your life soars to JOYS you never thought was step at a time…in Jesus.


