“ A doggy door?”, asked the woman who is finding us temporary housing. Why, you ask, was that so important to us? Because that’s the only thing Mily knows to go in and out for her potty breaks. She doesn’t bark or know to stand next to the door. And after all, she’s family. With all that we needed for temporary housing, this would seem to be the least of importance..except to us or maybe really me. Our housing contact person made it clear to us this may be an impossible request. But I prayed, and asked a few others to pray. and here’s why.. I believe God cares about every detail of my life, of your life, and nothing is off the table to ask for. So I did. And guess what? While touring a possible rental home, Kev noticed a doggy door frame on top of a shelf in the garage. It was the wrong size but, in the end, the home owner agreed to have us ( I mean Kev of course) put in a permanent doggy door that she would pay for! Everything else and MORE that we needed or wanted was in this home. And just in time, not too early and not too late, we had a place to move into before our house is fixed…including a doggy door. Are you asking God for something, something that may seem so trivial or maybe something really, really important to you? God cares about every part of your life, even the small things. Like a loving Father, He wants to shower us with good things, not just what we need but also what we desire in our hearts. He loves us and wants the best for us…He can and will move mountains for His children and His furry family. We just need to ask. But, I’ve been a Christian long enough to know not everything I ask for I receive..and, like that Garth Brooks song, sometimes that’s been the blessing! God WILL answer those prayers that are best for us and the path we were meant to walk. As it says in 1 John 3:22 “ And whatever we ask we receive from Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him”. In other words, ASK! Believe! Rest in the answer! Nothing is off the table to ask God…not even a doggy door. May you find God smiling on you for the simplest of answered prayers on your behalf.


