It started with a cough..then a fever…and then she couldn’t breathe. That was last November, just before Thanksgiving. Yes, this is Kathleen, the one I wrote about, who beat the odds of death, more than once, due to complications with Covid. But the road to recovery has been anything but easy. Due to the long usage of the ventilator tube, her esophagus has severe damage, requiring more than one surgery. At one point she was told she would never be able to talk, work, eat, or drink again. Can you imagine that? It would only be natural for someone who had survived Covid to ask the question “ why am I here?” Or, for that matter, why do I have to be here? This isn’t living”. I knew all this the day I went in to see her. What will I say to encourage her? As she saw me come into the room her eyes lit up. There was such joy in her face.. How could this be? I knew something miraculous had happened. Though she couldn’t speak she could use her lips to talk…and boy did she have a lot to talk about! She was about to be moved to a rehab center to get stronger before her next surgery. Jesus had met her. He told her what her purpose is..why she was still here. I took notes on her message for us and here it is: Jesus loves you..really loves you. Prayer really works and we don’t really understand its power. Faith: knowing and believing God is still with you, no matter what you are going through…trust Him. Wow and wow. With tears in my eyes I thanked her and was so happy that Jesus met her, in her darkest moments..when she didn’t have a reason to want to stay she did. As she mouthed to me, WHEN she is healed she will be writing her testimony of her entire life and sharing it with many, many people. She has already seen it. Little did I know that this message would be for me a few days later. I lost my job. It took the wind right out of me as I took my last paycheck and walked out the door. That chapter of my life is now over. Faith: knowing and believing God is with you, no matter what you are going through..trust Him. God had already prepared my new path when I went to go see Kathleen. I went to encourage her but it turned out I would need her words a few days later. For those of you who are asking “ why me?” I will share the same message Kathleen shared with me: Jesus loves you..really loves you..prayer is power..trust Him because He’s right there with you. Tomorrow is a new day..for some a little scary because your life has just been turned upside down again. But know that He’s going to bring you on the other side with JOY..Just ask Kathleen.